Casnovia Township

Tax Information


Summer taxes are mailed on June 30th and are due and payable from July 1st thru September 16th without penalty.
The township will have extended office hours on September 16th  and will be open until 5:00 p.m.
*Summer deferment forms are also due in the Treasurer’s Office by September 16th.


Winter taxes will be mailed on November 30th and are due and payable from December 1st thru February 14th each year.
The township will have extended office hours on February 14th and will be open until 5:00 p.m.
Late fees for winter taxes are:
Taxes paid late from February 15th until February 28th are assessed a one percent late fee.
On March 1st, real estate taxes are turned over to the  Muskegon County Treasurer and payable at the Muskegon County Treasurer’s office.  You will need to contact Muskegon County Treasurer with any questions on delinquent payments at (231) 724-6261.


CHECKS: Please make checks payable to: Casnovia Township Treasurer.
Write your property identification number on your check for reference.
Include the payment voucher portion of the tax bill with your payment and mail to:
Casnovia Township Treasurer
245 South Canada Road
Casnovia, Mi 49318

CASH: Cash payments are accepted at the Casnovia Township Treasurer’s office at the Township Hall (245 S Canada Road, Casnovia, MI) . Please ensure you have exact change when paying with cash.

CREDIT CARDS: Casnovia Township is now able to accept all major credit cards for tax and utility payments. For instructions on making a credit card payment, click here.

Property tax receipts are available upon request.
Checks are accepted only as conditional payment. If not honored by the bank, the tax bill will be restored as unpaid in the tax roll without further notice and will be subject to all interest and penalty charges. Any NSF checks will be charged a fee.

All payments must be received in the Treasurer’s Office no later than 5:00 pm on the due date.


Penny Muma, Treasurer

Mail tax payments to:
Casnovia Township
245 South Canada Road
Casnovia, MI 49318

Phone: (616) 675-4064

Office Hours at Casnovia Township:

Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m..  
Closed Tuesday and Friday
A locked drop box is located on the side of the township hall, and is available for tax payments and other township documents. Provide a stamped self-addressed envelope if you require a receipt for your tax payment.  Please do not place cash in the drop box.


Errors and Omissions:
Please examine this statement closely and notify our office of any errors.

  • Failure to receive your Casnovia Township Tax Bill does not waive penalties and/or interest.
  • Compare the legal description with your own record of title before paying this tax. If you pay on the wrong description, the law holds you wholly responsible.

Change of Name and/or Address:
Promptly report any name or address changes to our office. If you have sold this property, please forward this tax statement to the new owner, or return it to Casnovia Township with the correct information.

Deferment Application:
Click here to view/download an application to defer summer taxes